Tag Archive for: Support

One size does not fit all. Try as they might, there is not a single BI platform that can offer every capability that users require. With organizational complexity increasing, and the growing demand for self-service analytics, it has become commonplace, even recommended, for organizations to maintain multiple BI platforms to meet the needs of people in diverse roles with differing needs across the organization. Read more

Ironside recently reported a new issue to IBM that is now confirmed as having an impact on all TM1 sites regardless of version. The Ironside Managed Services team uncovered the issue while troubleshooting a client’s environment.

“In our efforts to secure an environment for one of our larger insurance clients, it was noticed that the SSL certificate was going to expire shortly,” said Erik Romanek, Ironside’s Director of Platform and Managed Services. “John Commons, one of Ironside’s platform consultants, worked with IBM to come up with a few solution options. This is just another example of Ironside going the extra mile to make sure the implementations we work on are configured securely and for longevity.” Read more

New in April 2011, Ironside is now authorized to resell all IBM and Cognos Subscription and Support at a Discount!!

Ironside is now authorized to sell IBM Subscription and Support, please contact us asap to discuss your specific requirements. We can help you understand and validate your S+S bill from IBM.  Our Account team has significant experience in interpreting and negotiating with IBM on your behalf, contact us today!

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