Tag Archive for: IBM Cognos

Whether town council or national agency, government organizations all face similar challenges: you need to optimize services and programs for citizens while demonstrating good governance. And you need to do this within budget in a climate of shrinking resources.

Attend the 8th annual IBM Business Analytics Government Forum event on May 4th and learn why thousands of public sector organizations worldwide rely on IBM Business Analytics software and services to deliver on their mission, improve operations, and ensure responsible spending gets results. Learn how to set goals, drive accountability and improve outcomes: learn how to deliver smarter government.

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The New England Cognos Users Group is an amazing opportunity to network and collaborate with other IBM Cognos Professionals in the Northeast Region. Each event is packed with informative talks and demonstrations from local organizations that highlight their own applied experiences with IBM Cognos software. Experts from the Ironside Group are always in attendance more than happy to answer your toughest questions or help you down the path to resolving your most bothersome issues. Attendance is always free and open to the public. Read more

In the past, we have introduced techniques around dynamic prompting by utilizing a number of Cognos Report Studio built-in features. Occasionally there are scenarios that will necessitate the need to set a report parameter without prompting the user to select a value. For instance, there may be a case where the report developer needs to pass both the selected year and the previous year to a stored procedure or pass in a calculated prompt value that would be based on previously selected prompt values. While there are a number of solutions for such scenarios, in this article we will focus on a Javascript based technique to provide the necessary functionality. Read more

The Ironside Group is excited to once again publicly offer both our Fundamentals and Advanced Framework Manager Training courses in back-to-back fashion. As with all of our course offerings, this curricula is lead by our veteran consultants who have decades of in-depth real-world technical experience with IBM Cognos software. Take advantage of this special combined offering and become a Framework Manager expert in a weeks time.

Course: IBM Cognos 8 Framework Manager Fundamentals (View Description)
When: March 7-9, 2011

Course: IBM Cognos 8 Framework Manager Advanced (View Description)
When: March 10-11, 2011

Where: Ironside Group Lexington, MA (Boston)
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The Ironside Group is excited to once again publicly offer both our Fundamentals and Advanced Framework Manager Training courses in back-to-back fashion. As with all of our course offerings, this curricula is lead by our veteran consultants who have decades of in-depth real-world technical experience with IBM Cognos software. Take advantage of this special combined offering and become a Framework Manager expert in a weeks time.

Course: IBM Cognos 8 Framework Manager Fundamentals (View Description)
When: January 10-12, 2011

Course: IBM Cognos 8 Framework Manager Advanced (View Description)
When: January 12-14, 2011

Where: Ironside Group Lexington, MA (Boston)
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The Ironside Group is excited to once again publicly offer both our Fundamentals and Advanced Report Studio Training courses in back-to-back fashion. As with all of our course offerings, this curricula is lead by our veteran consultants who have decades of in-depth applied technical experience with IBM Cognos software. Take advantage of this special combined offering and become a Report Studio guru in a weeks time.

Course: IBM Cognos 8 Report Studio Fundamentals (View Description)
When: February 14-16, 2011

Course: IBM Cognos 8 Report Studio Advanced (View Description)
When: February 17-18, 2011

Where: Ironside Group, Lexington, MA (Boston)
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In the past we have introduced the IBM Cognos SDK family of products in our article IBM Cognos SDK: Bridging the Gaps providing you with a glimpse of the potential methods for utilizing the SDK to further the standard Cognos suite. Today let’s take a closer look at one of special SDK toolsets – the Custom Authentication Provider (CAP). What is an IBM Cognos Custom Authentication Provider? Read more

As consultants, we have found that the majority of struggling IBM Cognos implementations we encounter are due to either poor framework model design, or more often, a flawed database architecture. The case of the latter can present itself in a number of ways, but in the worst cases, we’ve discovered reporting applications built upon highly normalized OLTP systems that are ineffective and detrimental to both analytical and operational performance of an organization’s information systems. Another common case is an implementation of Cognos upon an existing data warehouse where users are provided with unfettered ad-hoc access to the data source for the first time, exposing previously unforeseen or unknown data quality issues. Read more

Investing in a robust enterprise business intelligence platform like IBM Cognos can be a gateway to improving your organization’s performance in a multitude of ways. One such area of improvement which cannot be dismissed or overlooked is to respond to the call for greater corporate social responsibility. We now live an age where achieving success is no longer measured in simple dollars and cents alone, but also by how large and indelible a mark we leave upon our surroundings in the process. We have already begun to realize the directly proportional relationship between the sustainability of our success and that our own environment.
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In our previous two articles we discussed methods of extending the existing Cognos capabilities: how to create a new URL link in Cognos Connection and change its default action to be open in a new re-sizable window and how to create an open-in- new-window URL link in Report Studio. Today, let’s continue our journey and uncover another trick, a frequently requested feature: how to customize the styles of a hyperlink in report. By default, a hyperlink created in Report Studio is styled in blue color and underlined. With the available built-in capabilities in Report Studio you have limited flexibility to change the style of a hyperlink which can severely limit the ability to adhere to a corporate requirement or provide a unique look and feel. Read more