May 17, 2011 – Crowne Plaza

1605 Broadway
New York, NY 10019

Discover how to improve business outcomes with analytics everyone can use.

How can you learn about new innovations from IBM Business Analytics that will change how your organization makes decisions and shapes future outcomes? By attending an IBM Performance event.

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June 16, 2011  - Hilton Hartford, CT

Discover how to improve business outcomes with analytics everyone can use

How can you learn about new innovations from IBM Business Analytics that will change how your organization makes decisions and shapes future outcomes? By attending an IBM Performance event.

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June 14, 2011 – Boston Hyatt Regency

One Avenue De Lafayette
Boston, MA 02111

Discover how to improve business outcomes with analytics everyone can use

How can you learn about new innovations from IBM Business Analytics that will change how your organization makes decisions and shapes future outcomes? By attending an IBM Performance event.

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Whether town council or national agency, government organizations all face similar challenges: you need to optimize services and programs for citizens while demonstrating good governance. And you need to do this within budget in a climate of shrinking resources.

Attend the 8th annual IBM Business Analytics Government Forum event on May 4th and learn why thousands of public sector organizations worldwide rely on IBM Business Analytics software and services to deliver on their mission, improve operations, and ensure responsible spending gets results. Learn how to set goals, drive accountability and improve outcomes: learn how to deliver smarter government.

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The New England Cognos Users Group is an amazing opportunity to network and collaborate with other IBM Cognos Professionals in the Northeast Region. Each event is packed with informative talks and demonstrations from local organizations that highlight their own applied experiences with IBM Cognos software. Experts from the Ironside Group are always in attendance more than happy to answer your toughest questions or help you down the path to resolving your most bothersome issues. Attendance is always free and open to the public. Read more

How to build a dashboard in IBM Cognos 8.4.x?

As we engage with our hundreds of customers, one question that inevitably arises, is how do we build good dashboards?  The questions begs at least a cursory understanding of IBM Cognos 8’s capabilities and options. That being said, I am purposely not discussing capablities introduced in Cognos 10, like Business Insight, Business Insight Advanced, or Active Reports. Mainly due to the fact that many existing IBM Cognos customers have not upgraded their platform to IBM Cognos 10.1.  We will cover those tools in depth separately. That being said, with the exception of GoDashboard, all of the these techniques/descriptions also apply to IBM Cognos 10, extended of course by BI, BIA, and the Active Reports capability.

Cognos 8.4.x provides the following options for building dashboards: Read more

As we mentioned in last month’s newsletter we will be featuring articles regarding IBM Cognos 10 for the next several months in order to bring our subscribers up to speed on the newest IBM Cognos offering. In prior months we had discussed our initial reaction to IBM Cognos 10, Active Reports and this month we will be reviewing the all new Business Insight interface.

This new interface is geared towards the business user, providing them with a suite of powerful tools to access, analyze, and format BI content with minimal training. Let’s go ahead and get started with how best to make use of this new tool. Read more

Grasshopper Group

Grasshopper Group Selects IBM Cognos Express for
Affordability and Rapid ROI to Help Achieve their Goal of Servicing Over One Million Entrepreneurs

“Cognos Express was a solution that fit our budget, even as a small company, and we were able to get it implemented in a much faster time than I would have ever expected.”

Mike Morris, Vice President of Operations

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Over the next few months we will be bringing you a number of articles on the new capabilities found in Cognos 10 (last month: IBM Cognos 10: Initial Thoughts and Reactions) with a goal towards providing our fellow developers, implementers and users with our impressions and the associated benefits and drawbacks of the new tool.

One of the most discussed features of IBM Cognos 10 is the availability of Active reports, which has been billed as an ideal solution for managed dashboards aimed at Business Managers, Executives and Front Line users. As with all tools, there are a number of pros and cons that should be considered before making any strategic decisions around the implementation of new functionality. Read more

In the past, we have introduced techniques around dynamic prompting by utilizing a number of Cognos Report Studio built-in features. Occasionally there are scenarios that will necessitate the need to set a report parameter without prompting the user to select a value. For instance, there may be a case where the report developer needs to pass both the selected year and the previous year to a stored procedure or pass in a calculated prompt value that would be based on previously selected prompt values. While there are a number of solutions for such scenarios, in this article we will focus on a Javascript based technique to provide the necessary functionality. Read more