Tag Archive for: Visualizations

When planning your next dashboard project, watch out for these 5 dashboarding terms that could possibly jeopardize its success. Read more

Remember our friend Empathy from the previous article? Well, now that you’ve interviewed, observed, and worked alongside your end-users and fully understand what it means to walk in their shoes, it’s time to leverage that new knowledge.

You’ve likely interviewed people in many different groups or roles within your organization. While analyzing your notes, you may begin to notice that certain people have similar needs, pain points, goals, etc. You can use this information to start persona building. Read more

Tableau 10 was released on August 15th, and it is quite an upgrade. I’ve been spending some time doing hands-on testing of the new version, and I’m excited to share some of the new features I’ve explored with you.

In addition to a new custom font, new color palettes, and new themes that make Tableau more beautiful and visually appealing than ever, Tableau 10 has made great strides in bringing some of the most widely requested features from past releases into reality for this one. I’m going to walk you through some of the ones we at Ironside find most compelling and explain what the practical impact of each one is on the overall functionality of Tableau. This article will cover the following new features: Read more

If modern business data is a river, then traditional enterprise business intelligence is a bucket. Sure, you can pull some valuable and reliable insights at regular intervals that will help you take the pulse of what’s going on day to day, but there’s a much larger percentage of valuable insight that’s just going to wash by. That’s why having a complementary data discovery strategy is so important: it helps you be where you need to be in that flood to catch what’s most relevant to your current business concerns. One of the ways Ironside is helping our clients get to this level of self-service flexibility is by becoming a Tableau partner. Read more

Tableau’s powerful data discovery and visual analytics capabilities make it an ideal tool for enabling end users to achieve data driven insights at the speed of business.  It puts data in the hands of the business users who have the most to gain from it in an intuitive manner that allows for rapid visualization and actionable insight through self-service analytics. Read more

Ironside’s partners help us empower our clients and deliver value from data and analytics using the best technology for their particular business needs, which is why we’re excited to announce that we’ve added Domo to that list. Domo’s flexible, collaborative, and intuitive platform represents a strong approach to modern self-service analytics, and being a Domo partner lets us bring our clients actionable insights from diverse data sources even in low-IT environments. Read more

Domo is a tool that has stood out among the many data discovery-oriented analytics solutions now hitting the market thanks to how quickly it can have a practical impact on specific functional or industry business cases. It represents the realities of modern business:

  • The questions organizations ask to support decision making are constantly evolving.
  • Traditional business intelligence (BI) solutions aren’t flexible enough to cope with the speed of these changes.
  • Business leaders need tools that enable them quickly, not tools they fight to use.

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Selling financial services effectively requires a highly motivated, deeply knowledgeable team that can keep up with all the shifting recommendations, regulations, and investment options endemic to the industry. In this kind of a chaotic atmosphere where priorities change by the minute, it’s crucial to know with certainty that your sales organization is not only taking action to secure new customers but is also targeting that action and optimizing it to have the largest impact possible. One of the top mutual fund and financial services groups in the world engaged with Ironside to put this kind of transparency in place and establish strong sales performance management (SPM) strategies that would drive effective actions from the executive level down to the individual field reps. Read more

So what’s the best way to learn any new analytics technology? Tell a story. Stats are fun and features are great, but it’s all just talk without context. In this spirit, we’re going to show you some examples of how location intelligence can be an ideal platform for out-of-the-box thinking in real-world settings.

Just to set the stage, let’s start with a quick, easy description around what location intelligence is and what it does. At its heart, location intelligence is all about enabling you to see internal and external data relevant to your business visualized in the real world. Using these intuitive displays, you can see what’s impacting your current state, plot future trends, and define clear actions to move your organization forward. Read more

Ironside is excited to announce the launch of one of our most innovative and dynamic courses to date: Applying Visualizations in Cognos. Demonstrating our continued commitment to remaining at the forefront of business analytics education, this two-day course will help you unlock the true potential of your organization’s mission-critical data by showing you how to craft it into highly impactful, highly consumable visual formats using the IBM Rapidly Adaptive Visualization Engine (RAVE). Read more