Tag Archive for: Data Science

LEXINGTON, MA, May 3, 2019 – Ironside, an enterprise data and analytics firm, was recognized in the Wall Street Journal this morning for AI work being done at one of our clients, Coverys, a Boston-based provider of medical professional liability insurance.

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At Ironside, we believe that data science is a team sport, and should be accessible to and enable as many players as possible. We work with clients on a regular basis to make data science accessible within their organization. But we also do this within our own company. Meet Tom Clancy – hear about his journey and what he has learned along the way.

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2019 is the year that data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence for business will become ubiquitous. Most organizations large and small, across all industries, have recognized the benefits and competitive advantage that these capabilities bring to bear. If you have not already begun the journey, chances are this will be the year you begin to develop this competency. Whether you’re about to take your first step, you’re a team of one looking to scale, or even a more mature organization that is always seeking self-improvement, consider the following traits to maximize your chances of success with data science.

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At least weekly, I am granted the opportunity to meet and work alongside experienced professionals who serve in a corporate business intelligence (BI) leadership function. When they describe their role upon introduction, there is a common thread to the scope of influence and control which usually intersects one or more of these domains: Read more

For players in the biopharmaceutical space, it is becoming increasingly clear that advanced analytics can be of enormous assistance in solving many of the unique challenges the industry faces. To understand the extent of the impact that advanced analytics can make, it’s first necessary to examine how healthcare in the US has undergone a major transformation over the past decade.

First, there’s the presence of managed care. It puts pressure on pharmaceutical companies to provide stronger evidence of efficacy and safety, reduce costs of drug development and healthcare in general, and provide personalized care by targeting patient groups that are most likely to benefit from treatments and least likely to suffer adverse events. Read more

Yesterday, Ironside’s partner Pitney Bowes announced that they are forming a new data practice built to accelerate businesses’ digital transformation initiatives. This practice will reach across the whole company to accomplish the goal of helping organizations “utilize data and analytics to deliver a superior customer experience, support product and service innovation, and optimize business processes” according to the announcement. We see this as a major benefit for our clients. Read more

We’re getting ready for Tableau Conference 2016 here at Ironside. With only a short time left until November 7th, our team is preparing for which parts of the conference they’re most excited to take in. And, more importantly, developing strategies for prioritizing where to spend their time. I got a chance to catch up quick with Crystal Meyers and Katelyn Tolbert, two of our Tableau-certified consultants, to hear what they’re looking forward to and get their perspectives on where people should be focusing at the conference. Read more

Tableau 10 was released on August 15th, and it is quite an upgrade. I’ve been spending some time doing hands-on testing of the new version, and I’m excited to share some of the new features I’ve explored with you.

In addition to a new custom font, new color palettes, and new themes that make Tableau more beautiful and visually appealing than ever, Tableau 10 has made great strides in bringing some of the most widely requested features from past releases into reality for this one. I’m going to walk you through some of the ones we at Ironside find most compelling and explain what the practical impact of each one is on the overall functionality of Tableau. This article will cover the following new features: Read more

According to Dave Chaffey’s 2016 global social media research summary, over 2.3 billion people actively use websites like Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, and LinkedIn to view content or engage with other users . This massive audience represents a huge opportunity for organizations to understand what trends they can connect with, who their ideal customers are, and what the sentiment is around their brand in the marketplace. These insights all become possible through social media analytics. Read more

Ironside experts Dan Gouveia and Chi Shu recently got the chance to share knowledge with our local analytics community at the Scalable R Analytics Meetup in Cambridge, MA. Presenting to a packed room, Chi and Dan dove into several ways that R’s powerful data science capabilities could be scaled to apply to much larger, enterprise-level data sets. They demonstrated how to achieve this scalability both with dashDB, a cloud data warehouse, and Spark, a big data-oriented parallel processing framework. Read more

Tag Archive for: Data Science